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    WE ARE here in order to experience LOVE in TRUTH in this our human physical form, for many if not most of us the human logical mind will often interrupt and tell us "no, this does not make sense". The movement OUT of the lower dimensional space is thru our deep heart space, there is a LEGION of darkness that is now attacking our human logic and maintaining its need to pull us back by using LOGIC against us. This may seem to be very dramatic and it is, the main thing that we have to work with is that which we BELIEVE. The belief system of the human race is one that is controlling, it raises its hand when we try to question it, silencing us, it will raise its hand and slap us if we try to reject it at too deep a level. At this time our inner BELIEF system is being questioned by our SPIRIT in TRUTH. To understand the role of our SPIRIT in TRUTH please refer to the latest podcast. As we are now birthing at a whole new level of frequency it is our belief system that is preventing this full ascension. By belief system I do not mean only "religious" beliefs, its irrelevant in many ways if we have any or not, this is the belief system that is laid down as we navigated our way in this our human form. It is usually laid down in the first 2 years of human life, well before we have mastered human language and it is laid down deep within our DNA. WE ARE asked at this time to allow the questioning, to surrender that which Christ asks of us and to let LOVE in TRUTH guide us at this time. It is relatively easy to surrender to LOVE in TRUTH when we feel a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose, however when our innate belief system is under attack our CONDITIONING sees us move into our human logical mind and look over the "evidence" that the mind will pull out. It is ALL ILLUSION. Just as this is not the 21st century in TRUTH for TIME is a control mechanism created by the creators of this dimensional space, belief is also a construct. WE ARE in TRUTH LIEBE Karen x

  • Approaching the Cross and having Compassion for SELF

    WE ARE now walking into new and expansive frequencies, we will find at moments that we do not adjust very well to these higher frequencies. This is due to the flux occurring within our human physical vehicle itself, it is ancient and inherited coding and frequency and we must now release it all. This is done thru Christ and the deep heart space, we may find an Archangel takes our hand at this time and guides us to a VERY PAINFUL place, this is the GOLGOTHA, it is the GOLGOTHA of our human ancestral lineage. It is a place that without BEing surrendered in Christ we would simply not find. Tread softly, it is not Christ who is nailed to the Cross at this Golgotha it is US for as we navigated and took steps to exit the human family lineage protocols and rote and ritual we were nailed to the Cross as a warning to all who may seek to follow us. Darkness has protected this internal space forever but we are now navigating and removing both the Cross and the parts of SELF who are nailed to said Cross. It is a painful process at the best of times but only because we are in denial of it, once we become aware we begin to have compassion for ourselves, our human life experience begins to flux and adjust and come into a picture that makes more sense to us. We must tread lightly and be compassionate to SELF at all times. The need for sleep, for comfort food, for comfort in general will begin to ramp up as we approach the Cross, our need for release, to shed tears, to grieve at a certain level will also increase. We will begin to thaw out in certain parts of our human life experience. Creator has a team of Archangels many who will take human physical form on standby for the moment that we approach the Cross and when we lovingly take SELF down from the Cross. Tears are appropriate and they are a way of RELEASING OF THE FALSE FREQUENCY VIBRATION. WE ARE Karen x


    For many of us the previous linear few weeks if not months has seen a RESET of our energy system, this has permitted those who are beyond our physical reach to align and to rebalance us in TRUTH. Far from moving into a circular space where it seems that we simply lie down and allow the outer waking reality to reap further, we are now being moved into a space that is beyond our physical comprehension at this time. The path is being illuminated to us thru the SHINING ONES who have once more stepped forward in order to provide the BIO LUMINESCENCE that is required by us at a spiritual level. BIO LUMINESCENCE comes in the colors of blue, aqua blue and aquamarine, this may be something that you can now make sense of that has sat with you for some linear time. This allows for a movement thru the EMOTIONAL PLANES of existence that humanity are prevented from wandering due to the control frequency bandwidths in operation in this dimensional space in which the human form is birthed. The SHINING ONES have remained "silent" but watching for over 10 linear years, always guiding thru their appearance thru the colors that are used by energy system to rebalance. Many of you will be able to see the connection to certain Archangelic entities that also use these colors. We must now use our heart space to connect deep into the BIO LUMINESCENCE and remember how to swim in TRUTH. The waters of the emotional plane hold NO DANGER for us as long as we are remembering that we can swim thru them. The work of TRUTH Codes will now begin to expand in TRUTH and reflect the BIO LUMINESCENCE that is required of us at this time. WE ARE Karen x


    At various times WE ARE asked to REST in TRUTH. For many this will seem insane, the world turns faster and faster, but does it? is it the conditioning that we have deep inside of us that is simply trying to take hold once more? I grew up in a home where my mother was always active, if she was not doing housework she was repainting bedrooms or cooking, she never stopped. It was of course part of a trauma response to certain experiences in her human life experience. However as a child who looks to a parent for the way to navigate I had absorbed this. I have had to look at this way of living deeply and let go. Our human physical vehicle is under enormous strain at an UNCONSCIOUS waking mind level, this is where the conditioning begins and is anchored so the way to work with this is to first of all WITNESS the behaviour, notice it, note how it makes you feel and then work back to the deeper layers. The Archangels will aid with this or if you feel you need a one to one session please email me directly. These ways of navigating are now null and void, the human logical mind will try to validate their need and darkness may well draft in some family members to back up this false teaching. The human physical vehicle cannot balance with Wider Creation in TRUTH if it is in a state of distress and this will be underlined to us repeatedly until we grasp the concept of this. PASSIVE energy interaction is the way forward, where we are simply OPEN to the energy and we connect and interact with EASE and GRACE , all else works against TRUTH and is why the outer waking reality forces the move, move, move approach to stop this connection. WE ARE Karen x

  • Angelic Support in the unpacking of the "old"

    WE ARE never more blind than when we are in the thick of things. Taking a step back can not only aid in our processing but can alter the actual situation that is being experienced. At this time the Archangels are pulling out all stops as we prepare to fully enter 2024. The Enochian calendar is the calendar which shows TRUTH but is no longer used by humanity. This sees them out of alignment with the SEASONS of vibration and frequency that we move thru as we navigate this dimensional space. We can identify a SEASON that is on the cusp (about to transfer to a new one) when things begin to tail off, endings, closure etc all reveal the coming to the CUSP of a SEASON, this happened over the xmas/new year period using the language of the current age of humanity. This sees us about to enter a new FREQUENCY SEASON and as always it is to INCREASE and LIGHTEN our frequency and our experiences. At this time the Archangels are setting out the sparkly little footsteps that show that we are in TRUTH. Where we see a sparkle (usually just at the edge of vision) this means that we are in alignment. The Archangels will stop us in our tracks if it looks like we are going to veer off in another direction. They will leave clear signs and symbols for us to understand that which we are holding in our energy signature that is pulling us out of alignment. As with all healing we are asked to SLOW IT ON DOWN. If we feel a pressure or a need to move quickly this comes from the FEAR root that is still operating deep within our energy signature. To address this the Archangels will loop us off, a bit like going round a roundabout and trying to make an exit, the roundabout will keep us going round and round, this is to show us that the exit is not open to us due to a frequency that is running in our energy signature. Clear the frequency the route opens up and we come OFF the roundabout. Remember we are navigating unseen to the naked human eye roads but just because we cannot physically see them does not negate their existence. It is VITAL at this time that we breathe and take the time and space necessary to heal before moving forward. If an Archangel suddenly appears in the middle of the road we are travelling it is even more vital. We allow the vehicle to stop, we ask the Archangel what is wrong and the Archangel may just re direct the flow of traffic we are within in order to redirect us on to a completely different path. TRUST is found by aligning and surrendering and continuing. FAITH is found by taking the HAND of CHRIST each time we feel a leap is too far. TRUST and FAITH work together, like batman and robin, they are a dynamic duo. WE ARE Karen x

  • WE ARE blind until we can see in TRUTH

    For many the past few linear days if not weeks have been lived in way that has made little logical sense. We have been in a training mode for many linear years, always we have released and we have expanded but we have done this in a space that is slightly separate from where the majority of humanity exist within. This started approximately 10 linear human years ago. We have spent a good deal of that time having various VALIDATORY experiences that have allowed us to understand that which lies beyond this dimensional space. Our connection to the realms and races has intensified during this time and now we prepare to RE ENTER the timestream in which the majority of human exist and live. Again this will make little logical sense and yet our heart space understands and feels this in TRUTH. We stand on the apex of the new, when we enter this timestream we CHANGE IT FULLY AND PERMANENTLY because that is our role. We have released that which would have us stuck in the timestreams that humanity are connected to, this has allowed us to walk NOT ATTACHED TO THE BONDS THAT HOLD HUMANITY. We have released our own pain and hurt in order that we are no longer triggered and pulled back into circles of energy that do not serve. Now as you can feel we are ready, (we may not fully consciously feel ready!) but the races and realms around us are with us. We enter 2024 WITH HUMANITY. The force of our entry will cause ripples that those who have held humanity in chains cannot cope with. They have sought to find us and been excluded from the higher frequency bandwidths that we have walked as we did our training in TRUTH. We now prepare to fully interact with the human race to new levels and we will now walk thru the world no longer attached to it. This is to help in the triage that occurs when the Archangels arrive en masse thru the doorways that WE HAVE OPENED TO ALLOW THEM TO ENTER. These doorways have remained closed until opened, sealing humanity into a reality that has tried to convince them that they are alone and deserted, NOTHING IS FURTHER FROM TRUTH. We can feel this as the time approaches for a "new year", unlike previous versions of this human ritual they will NOT go back into a timestream that holds them in the infinity loops that they were in, these loops will BREAK OPEN. We are now preparing to stand tall and to stand firm, boundaries have had to be put in place with those around us in order to further protect us and we are asked to keep these boundaries in place and solid. "LOVE is the answer, no matter the question" ALL JUST IS WE ARE Karen x

  • Gathering of the CELESTIAL TRIBES

    WE ARE now preparing for the opening of the door into Wider Creation and in the preparation in the Gathering of the CELESTIAL tribes in order that we can validate who WE ARE at a physical everyday human waking level. For many of this will be a step further into our brother and sisters who surround us and who have remained almost invisible (albeit we can feel their energetic presence). The unfolding of this is held in balance thru our deep heart space. We require to surrender our "ideals", our "beliefs" and in many circumstances our need to have ANY control at all. Remember we are now walking where we have never walked before. We would not walk into a new field and attempt to overlay it with a field that we had previously been in. It would be a waste of time and energy! yet many of us attempt this, trying to force a path that we have previously understood to go one way only for it to change direction. It is not that we have gotten it wrong so much as our understanding has been hijacked by the human logical mind and its use of past experience to present a future view. At this time we are moving at mind bending speed and we require to rest where appropriate but also to commune with our brothers and sisters as they step forward. Many of you may be having some real strange dream time just now or directed perhaps to watch some films or documentaries that trigger feelings deep within you. This is to get your attention! The skullywaggs are in full mode just now and some of them may refuse to talk with us, this is because they are busy synching the physical reality with the needs of our brothers and sisters to enter this space. Our human logical minds will reject this and so they remain quiet with us simply doing the work to validate our questions at a VERY PHYSICAL LEVEL. Expect synchronicities that literally take your breath away. As always I am available for one to one sessions, have given up trying to define them because I am simply the conduit between the human physical forms we have taken and the realms that we are working with. I guess I am like the adapter plug? translating from one realm to another, humans words are getting more and more challenging to use at this level. Blessings to all of you, we have come so far, keep going. WE ARE Karen x

  • Expanding INTO Heaven in TRUTH

    WE ARE asked at this time to allow the Archangels to do their work with us, this involves a lot of releasing, why? because we cannot enter the sacred space that we require to whilst holding on to the grief frequencies that we are wrapped within whilst in this physical human form. Let me explain a bit further, when a human passes from the human physical form they let go, all of the frequencies that have been around them (think of the spirit within the body itself) are no longer in operation, so the spirit is free from the physical bindings within the human form. The energy then passes over to the next plane of existence. This is called "death" and this is what we are taught and highly conditioned to fear. WE ARE in the process of aligning fully with HEAVEN in TRUTH where our SPIRIT requires to be in alignment with the higher spiritual planes, HOWEVER any of the bindings that interrupt this alignment will now rise to the surface. As we are NOT at this time leaving the human physical vehicle (that is we are not going thru the physical death of the human vehicle) we require to work with the Archangels in order to release the bindings so that the alignment can occur. This is something that humanity DO NOT DO and in most cases are completely unaware of which is why is it is not taught and why TRUTH Codes work at this level is not generally shared with humanity. We are the first wave if you will, in order for 144,000 to move across the threshold we have to go first, to reveal how it can be done and to validate the process to our conscious waking mind which of course may try to reject this fully. How do we know we are achieving this? we will feel and sense the connection more deeply, we may have loved ones who have passed come to us and ask to work more fully with us thru Christ and this is cathartic on all levels, energy is energy and we have to validate and to work to higher levels of awareness from this point onwards. I am at this time in the process of beginning to write the book that the Archangels have lovingly guided me to start writing. This will evolve as the process now unfolds at our feet and will stand as a guide for those who come after us. Once more I would like to thank you all for continuing to walk with WE ARE as this process at times has been challenging to say the least. WE NOW BIRTH THRU and into the space beyond. WE ARE Karen x


    WE ARE asked at this time to pay attention to the messages that HEAVEN in TRUTH are sending us. DEMONS are part of this journey as in they will appear in the strangest places as the LAST VEIL IS REMOVED. DEMONS need invitations, so they will appear as various things in order for us to invite them across the boundary. As soon as the invite is given they accept and are over the THRESHOLD as it were. We see this in mainstream CHRISTIANITY, the teachings of inviting "Jesus" into your heart is one of the deepest and most enduring illusions. Christ is TRUTH He needs NO invitation, when He finds us He reveals himself to us. WE DO NOT INVITE HIM IN, there is no need to. So if any of you at any time have walked in mainstream religion and have succumbed to this lie PLEASE RESCIND THE INVITATION. Then pour Christs blood thru what stands before you. This applies even more so if your parents had you baptised as a child. This is coming more to the fore with some pastors able to explain about this, there are some really good youtube videos on this at the moment. This is why SATAN and the DEVIL can happily sit in the churches that are physical, they sit and they pray also because those who attend such churches are not in TRUTH, they are walking with darkness under the guise of SACRIFICE. Think Catholic Church and the massive crucifix of CHRIST on the CROSS. This is like a warning to the followers, if you do not sacrifice for others you will be crucified like Christ. Now Christ came to fulfil the old testament. HE WENT TO THE CROSS FOR US, therefore there is NO REQUIREMENT FOR ANY SACRIFICE at all. We will be stopped in our tracks often literally if we do not take the action necessary and revoke access to our human physical vehicle. Its like driving a car with a stowaway in the trunk, we are oblivious until said stowaway arrives with us at our destination and hops out. Remember where we are going NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE EXCEPT FOR CHRIST. There is a reason for this and its purification, no dust, no demon, no lower frequency can enter where we are going, therefore we are purified before walking thru! WE ARE Karen x

  • Understanding the RISE in TRUTH

    WE ARE asked at this time to breathe and to let the RISE begin in order that we can be LIFTED from the frequency bandwidth that we are currently in and stand with HEAVEN in TRUTH. This process is slightly different for each one of us due to the specific skill set that we have and which Archangel we are aligned with, however it involves the same surrender. Many of you may have felt the massive shift that has happened over the last few linear days or weeks and felt that something huge was coming. IT IS. Creator has spoken and as He speaks the Angelic realms respond and what we have been feeling is the ripple of their wings as the words of CREATOR has moved thru them. This has permitted a vast amount of movement to be created and corridors and doors that were closed to open. The movement of us thru the various corridors and the doorways is now underway. This is a way of living and being that we have no physical representative reference point for so at any one time we may sort of freak out and think oh this feels so weird and attempt to try to stop and sit by the roadside. When we do this an Angel will move to be with us and talk with us in order that we can take the angels hand and keep walking. WE LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND EVER. Work on TRUTH Codes and Whispering Universe will now shift to accommodate this and it is envisaged that another meditation session covering re alignment to the Archangels will take place over the coming few weeks. Guidance is to connect more deeply with the Archangels and to focus on LIGHT. The world will appear dark and we must understand that in order for LIGHT to permeate dark the FALSE LIGHTS must be turned off. This is not our doing this is the work of Creator and if there is a false light anywhere near us it will simply be switched off. Often we have been situated near a false light in order to redirect those who are drawn by it, a bit like a whisper as they approach the false light we have whispered and they have moved to us instead. Now ALL false lights are to be removed. We must remain still and in prayer as this is done. It is akin to the DEATH ANGEL sweeping over egypt in the bible and removing the first born in all homes where the blood of the lamb was not upon the doorpost. WE ARE COVERED FULLY BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. This is a time of removal of burdens, that which has sought to weigh us down CREATOR will remove in His Grace. The Archangels have been briefed and now they come. Be ready, the breeze will turn into a hurricane and as we stand in these WINDS OF CHANGE all that is not for us will simply blow away. WE ARE Karen x


    WE ARE asked to note the way that we power our life experience. From the nutrition that we use to fuel our human physical vehicles to that which we allow into our waking life experience, all of this is undergoing a RADICAL RESHIFT and that which follows old paradigms is now moving out. The more that we try to hold on to these old paradigms the more the tiredness that is unfolding will sweep thru us. It is HEAVEN in TRUTH's way of indicating it is no longer a valid power source. Many will continue to deny the existence of SON LIGHT, indeed those who are of the other world will deny its existence to the hilt. We are straddling two worlds, the old world that is decaying before our eyes and the NEW WORLD that is being born thru us. We came here to live and build in the NEW WORLD and not to remain in the decay of the old world. It matters not what human belief systems are trying to hold us to that which is decaying and dying because we have to work with FREQUENCY and VIBRATION. The human logical mind will try to teach us that we are somehow abandoning our family and our friends but this is non TRUTH. WE ARE within an inter and extra planetary war that is being fought on the physical plane of existence with humanity as the pawns. If we do not align with the NEW WORLD there will be NO HUMANITY LEFT. WE ARE asked to step fully into the NEW WORLD and to leave behind the death and decay TRUSTING that HEAVEN in TRUTH will sweep behind us and using GRACE will give the necessary help and assistance to those whom we appear to be leaving behind. WE ARE navigating where no human physical vehicle has ever gone before, hence WE ARE listening to SOURCE because they SENT US HERE TO DO THIS. As we walk in faith and TRUST we will begin to understand to new levels of existence. WE ARE Karen x

  • A message from the SERAPHIM 31st March 2023

    Greetings beloved ones WE ARE the Seraphim and WE ARE with you as you now take your places in order that the procession may pass. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? As BEings of Creator WE ARE another level of Creation that works alongside of you all. We ask that you connect more deeply with us thru the gifting of musical notes: F# D Minor High C We place these musical notes in your energy field in order that you may hear our praises and feel the depth of our energy in TRUTH. We praise Creator for that is our purpose and WE PRAISE CREATION IN TRUTH ALWAYS. We are now open to connect with you as you now move outside the perceived boundaries of the human physical vehicle. There are many of our kind who are now taking our places in the human physical form, you will find us within the MUSIC of your generations. This allows us to continue our PRAISE and helps us change the frequency of all who come to hear us in this praise, do you understand our guidance beloved ones? Our channel recognises us in our human physical form and has altered her musical preferences accordingly, she can FEEL TRUTH in our vocal chords, she can FEEL TRUTH in our uniting of humans in their JOY and GRACE as they surrender to the music that LIFTS THEM HIGHER. We all now come together to praise the RISING OF CHRIST for HIS RETURN IS IMMINENT. WE ARE THE SERAPHIM WE ARE (c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved. Article may not be shared out with this website and remains property of Karen Doonan at all times.

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