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  • Gen X and the war for their children

    As we have worked to come further into balance we have released that which has held us in place. For those of us who are of GEN X we can REMEMBER a time that was different to that which is presented to us at this time. For many years I have written and blogged about the spiritual war that is upon the generations. The war for the CHILDREN of Gen X is ongoing, we are the last generation (that is not passing from physical to spiritual) that can remind our children that the world is not as it is being presented. The war began with the birth of the millenials and their contribution to the AI machine. Many of the millenials were instrumental in their contributions to using and adapting to the AI. These millenials are the children of GEN X and we may have spent a good deal of time trying to understand that they are the BRIDGE into GEN Z. In order to understand Gen Z we must cross the bridge thru the millenials. Without the millenials in place we would have completely lost Gen Z and all hope is NOT lost despite the images and propaganda that is sent out across the AI machine. The rise of the AI was prophecied therefore it is no surprise that the AI is so prevelant today however the AI machine does not understand LOVE in TRUTH, this is our weapon if you will. Humans can be logical and analytical but humans centred in their heart space can express and experience LOVE which is something the AI cannot. It tries its best to separate and divide using the various algorithms that it employs and yet LOVE in TRUTH endures. The closure of old world took place in 20/20 where the worlds separated to a point where they could not be accessed again, hence we have pre 20/20 and the world that is presented at this point. However what is not seen is the exit point from the AI world that is now presenting itself, how do you win a war that is presenting itself as an AI? you remain in your heart space for all that is presenting is one of the biggest illusions ever. Our heart gives out a frequency that is BEYOND that which the AI uses to create the false versions that it presents to humanity, indeed to interact with most of the AI interface we have to step out of our heart and into our heads and this is the point where we lose ourselves. Gen X grew up in a world of physical experience, we played in the world, we used our imagination, we knew how to make things, how to live without the conveniences of what is in the reality for todays generation, therefore we have the TOOLS that are required in order to not only pull Gen Z out of their daze, but to cross the bridge and in doing so TAKE the bridge, protect it, nourish it and expand it, for it is this bridge that Gen Z use to exit the AI machine in TRUTH. WE ARE Karen x

  • Is it a door or a window?

    When we work with energy at the levels that WE ARE now asked to deepen our understanding of the symbols and validation that comes from Wider Creation in TRUTH. Whilst the human race may use actual words as language, the language of Wider Creation in TRUTH goes beyond this and WE ARE asked at this time to understand that we are remembering our CREATION LANGUAGE in TRUTH. This allows for VAST expansion, when we can let go of the very human need to use words and to move into the understanding that ALL Creation uses then we have moved beyond the limits that human language has placed on communication. Why does music appeal to so many? because it transcends human language, we may hear a piece of music and it stirs deep parts of our BEing and we must remember that ANGELS PRAISE ALWAYS because they are in constant PRAISE of CREATION in TRUTH. Therefore to work with the angelic realms will see us move beyond the limits of human language into sound and beyond. ALL is vibration and frequency and when we begin to align more fully with the SOUND of Wider Creation in TRUTH miracles begin to unfold. A miracle is an outcome that the logical mind denies and tries to validate and is beyond our comprehension until we allow the experience of the miracle to transform us. At this time we are being asked to understand that doors may need to close in order that windows can be opened in order to let in FRESH AIR and new energies. Doors work both ways, are you standing at a door that requires to close or a window that requires to open? WE ARE Karen x

  • Releasing already paid for "debt"

    For many at this time the never ending struggle to get on their feet is one that is played out daily, we may go so far with our human life experience then bam we are suddenly a couple of steps back again. Like an invisible force field the resistance to us moving forward may seem like some sort of sick game that the universe is playing. What we are not aware of at this time is that any "debt" that has already been paid cannot be given back to us to repay again. Many are aware of the spiritual war that plays out in the everyday waking world but unaware of how this is used against them. To be IN Christ allows us to walk in spaces that would be deemed out of bounds for us. However darkness does not just take one look at us and say "okay you are of Christ, you can pass thru", it challenges us and often does this in very deceptive ways indeed. WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND OUR POWER and PROTECTION in CHRIST first and foremost. Then we have to underline it to that which attempts to stand in our way. This will see us able to walk in spaces that darkness is attempting to reclaim and have us able to move forward with our human life experience and that which we are here to move into. This will also see us move in frequency and vibration for that which is attempting to stop us works at much lower levels of frequency. How do we know that we have underlined and moved forward? the stress and anxiety that denial by darkness creates will start to lift and we will feel lighter. All resistance that creates fear, anxiety and dread come from the lower frequencies that are defended by darkness. It is not enough to simply accept this denial for WE ARE given freedom IN Christ. WE ARE Karen x

  • Out with the "old", in with the "new"

    WE ARE approaching an EVENT HORIZON thru which we are now beginning to get glimpses of that which is coming into BEing. It is pertinent at this time to understand that we must make room for that which is now beginning to birth. Holding on to people, places, events and things will delay that which is now attempting to germinate thru us. Frequency will always try to balance itself out and if we are holding on to things then the frequency of that which we are trying to hold on to will begin to interact with the frequency of that which is trying to enter. The resulting see-saw motion will keep us in stasis and this will begin to build frustration, there is nothing the old earth likes more than a good bit of frustration for in our frustration our vision is skewed and darkness can begin to manipulate. So we stand in the silence, the stillness of TRUTH and we begin to let go, always trusting and having faith in the process itself because it is birthing THRU our standing in Christ. The more that we can simply let go and be still the faster this process begins to unfold for we are the barrier to the new entering if we hold on to anything that has now past its sell by date as it were. At this time the angels are standing around us, holding us softly as we simply say "thank you" and release that which no longer serves us. WE ARE Karen x

  • Angels are everywhere...

    WE ARE asked to let go of the veil that WE ARE holding across our eyes in order to see and to begin to understand that which we see. How do we do this? we simply surrender our VIEW to the Angelic Realms thru Christ. For many people this may seem ludicrously simple but TRUTH usually is. The more complex something is presented the more layers and the more often there is a non TRUTH slipped in. Its why the old earth likes to present puzzles, for within the puzzle is a slight of hand which leads us away from the actual original search and before we know it we are up to our ears in white rabbits and fully on our way to wonderland! Simplicity is key and this is what is asked of us at this time. In our own personal environment WE ARE asked to keep it simple. Clutter, begin to sift thru this and to begin to empty out that which is preventing the new higher energies coming in. Holding on to things "just in case" then throw out, this is the logical mind trying to validate the ownership of something and in doing so will have us simply idling waiting for some magical green light to come on that never will. In our own lives WE ARE asked to begin to hone our energies, pulling our often fragmented energies back home to our own selves. This is NOT a selfish thing to do, if we are fragmented and exhausted how on earth can we even begin to live our life experience? the answer is of course with huge difficulty. For many people running themselves ragged for others is part and parcel of the human life experience and this is the one thing that is asked of by the Angels that we stop. The well cannot nourish if it is almost dry. WE ARE asked at this time to continue to deepen our connection to the Archangels and Heaven in TRUTH and this requires our full focus. So bringing our energies back to CENTER which is always our deep heart space, we are filling ourselves back up, then we are surrendering IN Christ to Heaven, this allows for a deep cleansing and a re direction in TRUTH, for how can we understand our life path or our life message if we are not first and foremost in balance? the answer of course is that its not possible. It is from this CENTERED position that we then will begin to lift the veils fully from within and begin to see a picture that was simply obscured by the fragmentation that we have been manipulated into permitting. WE ARE Kx

  • Moving thru the Ocean of Grief

    For many at this time the "loss" is rising to the surface, as the outer waking reality begins to resemble some sort of strange movie then that which we have lived may begin to form once more in our minds. We may remember "times gone by" or hark back to "easier times", all of which is illusion for the only moment that we have now and that is real is the moment of our breath, all else is simply the mind going thru the library of memories and as we view them they CHANGE. The human logical mind often references experiences and files them away BEFORE processing and this is due to the intense emotions that may appear to be overwhelming when we have the experience. Many may view this as PTSD but it happens with all MAJOR life events and "loss" is one of them. When we go thru the experience of physical death of loved ones then the memories are stored by the human logical mind with the notation to process them when the experience is less intense. This may see us experience a loved ones death and then process the event some linear years later at a time which may seem insane. For example you may be at a time in your life where you feel safe and secure and relatively balanced then out of the blue memories of the loved one begin to rise and you may feel very triggered by everyday "normal" events. This is the human physical body attempting to process the memories that have not been processed as of yet. This may be disturbing in many ways if you have gone thru a lot of "loss" and are now perceiving more of a balanced life experience. You may think that you are losing your mind but you are simply playing catch up with the unprocessed emotions that the human logical mind STORES internally. So how do we work with this? first and foremost we must allow the process to unfold, attempts to prevent the processing will drive it much deeper and create further issues. In the work of Truth Codes we work with the Angels using SYMBOLS which bypass the human logical mind and working this way allows for major release and a movement thru the blocks that the mind may place upon our path. If you feel you would benefit from an Angel Consultation or just would like to "speak" with the Angels then perhaps a reading would help at this time. Our angels are around us eager and willing to help us, we simply have to be open to the possibilities. WE ARE Kx

  • Beyond the Looking Glass is REALITY in TRUTH

    When we look in the mirror we see reflected back to us that which is placed upon us, we do not see that which others see when they look at us. This optical illusion is presented to all who have taken human physical form. In order to go beyond the inner "chatter", the inner "dialogue" we must step thru the looking glass into that which lies beyond. Many years ago I co hosted a live radio show called "BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS" and took questions from those who called in. The show ran for a period of time until I was taken on a slightly different path. For those who called in and for those who listened to the show know that the work has gone on. The podcasts that are created are there to help you adjust and to balance with that which is BEYOND and that which is obscured by the reflection that is given to you. Look out on to the outside waking world and we see reflections of the unhealed parts of SELF that have remained deep inside us. The work of TRUTH Codes is to identify these hidden "shards" and surrender them thru Christ to Heaven in TRUTH thru the Archangels. This allows for deep and permanent healing to occur. For those who require messages from those who have passed to heaven then please look at the "angel communications"page. Messages are sent thru email. The biggest lie that exists within humanity is that of death, whether it be the actual physical "death" of a loved one, to the "death" of opportunity etc, humanity are conditioned to see the finite whilst ignoring fully the ETERNAL. We now take our places alongside HEAVEN in TRUTH who are now pouring thru the dimensional space in order to aid and assist us in our work within humanity. WE ARE Karen x

  • Being in FLOW in a world of STAGNATION

    As the outer waking reality begins to stagnate with the never ending narrative of inclusion that is anything but, WE ARE asked to look at the blocks that are preventing our human life experience from being in FULL FLOW. There are many different levels of blockage that stem the flow of LIFE in TRUTH that we are now asked to allow to permeate and begin to soak the ground that we walk upon. We entered the dessert many linear years ago, and we have travelled thru the dessert, this has allowed us to move that which is merely "temptation" from our spiritual lives. This has seen us at times sitting by the OASIS working with Christ to reveal the nature of the OASIS and that which has presented it to us. Always Christ will come to us with bread and water on this journey. Now we have reached the outer edges of the dessert it is time to allow the FLOW of the WATER of LIFE to begin. This sees us at the edge of the dessert but instead of seeing more and more dust and sand in front of us there is now new life and new hope that is springing up upon the path we stand upon. Christ will not permit us to move forward until we are able to continue the flow, that is that we are watering all that is appearing in order that we can interact with it. That which will try to stop us is anything that we believe that we have tried to take from the dessert. The dessert stops at the dessert. The shoes that we have worn whilst trekking thru the wilderness are not the shoes that we wear when we exit the dessert so Christ will firstly change our footwear, this may feel a bit "weird" when it first happens, after all we have walked across the wilderness for linear years. It is to our advantage to get used to the shoes that we are now wearing and allow our feet and our stature to become accustomed to these shoes. Trying to kick them off or trying to walk too fast or even worse run in these shoes will see us flat on our face. PATIENCE is the key to the next level of activity. To align with the new shoes then please join us in the meditation session at 7pm GMT, these run fortnightly and can be accessed thru the TEAMS platform. For further info please CLICK HERE. WE ARE Karen x

  • Expansion thru elevation in TRUTH

    WE ARE at this time moving more fully into the expansion process, this can at many times feel the very opposite to expansion as it may feel like "nothingness". The human logical mind interprets "space" often as "nothingness" and tries either to fill it in instantly or tries to teach that it is other than it is in TRUTH. At moments of deep expansion we usually are asked to remain calm, to allow ourselves to BE in order that we can allow the expansion into frequencies that we have not experienced as of yet. This allows for new experiences, new people and a new way of experiencing the human life experience to be found. It finds us, we do not require to go off looking for it but the human logical mind does not accept this. So take for example a clearing out of some "stuff" that has been taking up space within your living area. You may spend some time getting rid of it or reorganising it so that the space has less clutter. At first you may feel that you have simply reshuffled the pack as it were, but if you remain in the CALM, the GRACE that is within the deep heart space that which is now able to come in (you have freed up space for it) will begin to appear. Often we miss the appearance because we expect that which has been to re enter. Humanity are often entrenched in patterning, we take the experience of the past and then try to place it before us so that we have a variation on a theme. This is non TRUTH and is not supported, what we will find is that NEW, that is never before experienced experience begins to birth. This may further trigger the human logical mind which has been expecting more of the "same" and we may again have to remain still and go deep into the heart space in order to achieve balance. Once we start working with these new energies the patterning and the need for validation of the new will begin to wane as we deepen our faith and trust in the process. WE ARE Karen x

  • AA Jophiel

    For many people the movement out of grief and into REBIRTH is a journey that fills them with the frequency of fear, such is the movement that they often try to hold on and anchor for fear of "falling" when in TRUTH we are about to rise in frequency. Anchors that are anywhere except in Christ are non TRUTH, when we are anchored in this dimensional space to places, people or events it constricts our movement and this is non TRUTH. At this time AA Jophiel is appearing to many and the role of this Archangel is to uproot the false anchors within our human life experience. Many people hold on to events/places and people and even more so when these have passed over thru the veil. The conditioning within humanity is strong in relation to "lest we forget", however this is often taken out of context, it is possible to remember but move forward, to remember with love and compassion without being forced back into the ocean of grief each time. Forgiveness is the key and the key is in the INSIDE OF THE JAIL CELL. Often families will fracture when someone within said family move beyond the veil, often family structures are such that a certain person within the structure becomes the anchor, remove the anchor and the family go into free floating. This can be terrifying for all involved because not only is there the grief of the family member to contend with but the "place" that everyone else have within the structure is now fluid. This sees many simply batten down the hatches and try to exert control over something that is not within the control of anyone. Families can go many linear years without addressing this, preferring to deny that which has happened or try to walk thru it. WE ARE asked to address anything like this by handing to AA Jophiel that which we have picked up which simply is not ours to carry. The Archangel will not allow us to move forward until this is done. For further guidance into how to work with this you may wish to subscribe to the HEAVENs podcast where I go more into detail. At this time we are asked to let go, to simply release and allow the movement to change our outer waking reality, this can be a challenge in itself if past experience was not pleasant, what is different this time? this time it is movement OUT of grief and this is validated thru the GRACE of Creator at this time. WE ARE Karen x

  • Undergoing the removal of grief in TRUTH

    WE ARE often stuck in routines and ritual that we simply cannot see, why? because we are birthed into said routines and ritual. Ancestral lineage is something that is very challenging to register at conscious waking level, we are born into families that reside within towns/cities that are within countries and each layer seeks to have us surrender to it and accept that somehow this is all there is and worse that it is the same the world over. Nothing is farther from TRUTH. At this time we are going thru an intense period of metamorphosis which will see our deepest belief structures and our deepest anchors challenged. Many will simply attempt to dig in their heels further in the belief that somehow they are being attacked but again nothing is further from TRUTH. In order to work with these energies we must surrender to and IN Christ. Now the surrendering IN Christ is the part that many simply cannot accept, we are not following religion, we are not having Christ on a pedestal for we are warned about having idols, we are surrendering IN Him. That is we allow Him to fully comfort us, knowing that He can see that which we cannot at this time. Ways to work with this are myriad and there is much more information thru the TRUTH Codes Heavens podcast where I can go into more detail and explanation. To subscribe simply click on the tab SUPPORT and then click to Heavens podcast. WE ARE at the pivotal point in our journey, we will be opposed by the Archangels if we attempt to move forward carry the anchors that are so heavy. Heaviness is an indication that something is holding us back and that we have to release. If you require a communication from the Archangelic realms please order one from the main Truth Codes site. We now begin to lay down that which we have carried, that which has weighted us down and prevented us from reaching TRUTH to new levels. WE ARE Karen x

  • Angelic Communications

    For many these times are times of deep worry and anxiety, an ever increasingly challenging outer waking reality can bring a sense of unbalance and stress. As one who can communicate directly (thru Christ) to the Archangel realm I have been asked by said realm to open their communication to more and more people. To this end I have removed the payment barrier to this service. If you require some guidance, some support or are just interested in which Archangel wishes to communicate with you to hear their messages then please visit the main TRUTH Codes website or CLICK HERE. Messages are sent via email so please make sure that the email address you use in the original order is the one you wish the communication to be sent to. The default offering "price" is set to $10 but this can be changed by clicking on the left hand side of the page that appears once you hit ORDER HERE. WE ARE Karen x

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